Sunday, April 3, 2011

In the Beginning......

....there was this post.

So, this is my maiden post of my new blog.  I'm popping my book blog cherry, everyone!  But, that isn't all I want this to be about, I also love cooking and baking and I want to share some of my favourite recipes as well.  A word of caution though, a lot of things I cook, I don't have measurements for, so be warned... *wink*

I've been inspired to put words to screen and blog about books by the incomparable Missie over at The Unread Reader.  She is an absolute sweetheart, and not only do I love her blog but I totally adore her!  If you've never checked out her site, I suggest you hop on over there.

As far as the types of books I'll be reviewing... well... right now I'm all over urban fantasy/paranormal romance, although I'd have to say that my reading style is quite eclectic and I'll read just about anything.  

As for me... I live a quiet life with my husband and two cats.  I have been employed in a variety of jobs including, but not limited to: child and youth worker in the mental health field and youth justice field, legal admin, piano teacher, bartender, barrista, hotel receptionist, "customer experience representative' aka I worked in retail, worked at a huge amusement park in the games area.... and the list goes on.  I've lived in 4 countries (including my native Canada) and travelled parts of Europe and the United States.  I have a slight obsession with cheesy television that thankfully my husband indulges me in, and I have my very own gamer account.  Did I just admit that to the cyberworld?  This is why I don't reveal my identity.  Plus I kind of like to envision myself as a superhero with a secret identity.  

So, thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the blog!
